New research, wellness tips that could affect millions of women and men, read the latest wellness news.
We analyze the causes and consequences of this lipid level disorder, which is related to cholesterol but is not exactly the same.
How much milk should a 2 month old baby drink? Recommended amount of milk for a 2 month old baby. 2-month-old babies need an adequate amount of milk for healthy growth and development. The amount of milk that a 2-month-old baby should drink depends on several factors, such as weight, size, and...
Smoking is a habit that many people struggle with, but why do people smoke in the first place? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive and can be as hard to quit as heroin or cocaine. There are various reasons why someone might...
After the first ultrasounds that confirm the pregnancy, the woman has a second stellar moment that coincides with the sensation of the baby's movements. From what week can they be received? Do they look the same in all cases? The first time that the pregnant woman perceives the movements of her...
In pediatric check-ups, not only is the weight and height of the baby checked, but one of the most important measurements that is made is that of the head circumference to determine if brain growth is normal. The cranial perimeter is one of the routine measurements that are carried out on the...
We not only tell you how you can treat this pain, but we also help you identify it, understand why it appears and how you can alleviate it with exercises and massages at home.
More than half of pregnant women suffer from groin pain during pregnancy, but their ignorance prevents them from seeking treatment. Here's what you need to know about groin pain during pregnancy.
These foods are, according to experts, the most recommended after training.
Equine foot, better known as clubfoot, is a congenital deformity that can be diagnosed in the ultrasound of the 20th week of pregnancy, although the diagnosis is confirmed visually after birth by the specialist. We tell you what types there are and what is the most recommended...
Having swollen legs is a very annoying problem that is not always caused by heat, although it is one of the main factors. There are other reasons that can cause the legs to swell and on some occasions they can come together with medical conditions that should be consulted with the doctor. This...
The ringing that can appear due to having clogged ears, something that frequently occurs in summer due to air travel, climbing the mountain or vacations on the beach. Diving under water results in a sudden change in pressure and our ears, when compensating for it, produce a sensation of...
As the years go by, the needs and care required by the skin are increasing, especially in areas as exposed as the face. For this reason, in addition to following a strict facial cleansing routine, it is important that you get certain cosmetics adapted to your skin type, such as an anti-aging and...