HDMI or DisplayPort for gaming?

A few days ago we told you about the differences between HDMI and DisplayPort. But today, we want to talk about the differences between HDMI and DisplayPort for a better gaming experience. If you are a gamer and want to know the type of connection that best suits your needs, do not miss this little guide.

HDMI has been our companion for the last decade: Today, almost all TVs and monitors have an HDMI connection. This is a must. Cables are cheap and also provide audio transmission. And we recommend connecting between PC and TV.

But HDMI, unsurprisingly, also has its limitations. For example, if your TV has HDMI 1 connections that reach a maximum resolution of 4 x 3820 at 2160.30 FPS, if you have a new 4K monitor, you’ll be limiting it to those frames. Because, for example, in HDMI 2.0, you already reach 4K with 60 fps. This means you’ll need more hardware (and a new TV or monitor).

In most cases, HDMI may be sufficient. But DisplayPort is almost the better option for gaming at 4K resolution at 2Hz or 144K.

Should I Choose HDMI or DisplayPort for Gaming?

DisplayPort is a PC connection format. There are very few TVs with DisplayPort, and you won’t be seeing more for a long time. In terms of resolution capacity if you have DisplayPort 1.2, we’re talking 2160 x 60 pixels at 3840 fps. They can also stream audio. If you have a PC with DisplayPort and want to connect it to your monitor, that’s even better. As for the price of cables, they are slightly more expensive.

For gaming, HDMI should be enough. But if you have a high-resolution monitor, choose DisplayPort. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the best resolutions while gaming and take full advantage of your computer’s features, it would be better to choose DisplayPort.