What is Keratin and how is it made?

The external contribution of keratin can help improve the quality of hair, nails and skin. What is Keratin and how is it made?

Keratin is the most important protein in the composition of skin, hair, nails and teeth, and in animals, feathers, horns or hooves and wool. By giving structure. There are mainly two types of keratin depending on the amino acids that compose it, the soft or flexible and the hard or inflexible, they are also called alpha and beta (inflexible).

The main amino acid of keratin is cysteine. Chemically they have some disulfide (sulfur) bridges that give strength to the structure, depending on the number of bridges it will be harder or less. Thus, hard keratin contains up to 18% keratin and soft keratin, such as that of the skin, 4%. Alpha keratin is the one that forms the hair or nails, beta keratin is inflexible and is the one that forms the spider web.

The cells in the renewal process become keratinized, which is why the cells to be renewed are keratinized, this is one of the reasons for the formation of psoriasis, in which dead cells are not eliminated and give an appearance of crust or keratinized layer.

Keratinization is the natural aging process of the cell, in which it loses its nucleus and surrounding fluid and becomes a keratinized structure. Other times, due to medical problems or excessive medication, the cells become excessively keratinized and the appearance is rough and inflexible.

Sometimes excessively keratinized nails are the ones that break more easily, since they are dry and poorly nourished. The cells that form the keratin are the keratinocytes, these cells are the ones that build the basal layer of the connective tissues and the epidermis. This constitutes the protective barrier of the skin against external agents that penetrate the body. It is the outermost layer of the skin.

These keratinocytes are continually replacing themselves and the usual replacement time is approximately one month.


Keratin is the most important component of hair. These protein fibers form fibril-like structures that coil and form other larger fibrils by twisting. The di-sulfide bridges, which I mentioned before, are what will give the hair its elasticity.

This keratin is called alpha, however when heat is applied, this keratin can modify and become beta, which will give the hair a smooth appearance.

That is why the shampoos and treatments that are currently sold for straight hair contain keratin, advertised without sulfates, since these provide the sulfur that will facilitate the formation of di-sulfide bridges that will give the protein a loop and elasticity to the hair. hair.

Externally, the hair is protected by the cuticle. The cuticle are cells with keratin. The protection of this layer and its state is what will give the final appearance to the hair. A damaged cuticle will make hair look dry and brittle.

The hair cuticle is the one that suffers from both chemical treatments in the hairdresser and environmental aspects or external aggressions, such as brushing or other treatments.

Likewise, the treated and uniform cuticle is what will give the final appearance to the hair.