When is the baby movement felt during pregnancy?
After the first ultrasounds that confirm the pregnancy, the woman has a second stellar moment that coincides with the sensation of the baby’s movements. From what week can they be received? Do they look the same in all cases?
The first time that the pregnant woman perceives the movements of her son is never forgotten. From that day on, and until she gives birth, those kicks, bracing and other pirouettes must be present every day. To find out more in detail when this magical moment is lived and what fetal activity implies, keep reading this article.
The first movements of the baby
In first-time pregnant women, the baby’s first movements begin to be noticed between weeks 22 and 24. This does not mean that it is at that time that the child begins to move, since the embryo is active from the sixth or seventh week of gestation and it moves, although from the outside it cannot be perceived.
The mother will notice a bubbling or fluttering in her womb. It is a sensation different from others and it evolves until around week 24 and this activity is perceived in a much more vigorous way, with kicks, an elbow…
Women who have previously been mothers can feel the baby earlier, so from week 18-20 they can notice it.
Factors that influence when noticing the baby
There are some circumstances that cause the fetus to be perceived later or with more difficulty. They are the following:
- Obese or high BMI mothers. When the body mass index (BMI) is very high or the mother is obese, it may cost more to notice the baby. In these cases it is possible that it will be received from weeks 24-25-26.
- Anterior placenta. The situation of the placenta also influences. When there is an anterior placenta, it acts as a ‘cushion’ and this has an impact on movements being perceived as lessened.
- High stress levels. High and sustained stress over time can also hinder the perception of fetal activity.
- Retarded intrauterine growth. When there is a CIR (retarded intrauterine growth) or in babies smaller than what corresponds to the gestational age, there may be less movement.
- Problems in pregnancy. Some alterations, such as high blood pressure in pregnancy or those that have to do with the placenta, can make the baby less noticeable.
The pattern of movement in the fetus
The movements of the baby in the womb are a symptom of fetal health. That he does not stop moving is not an indication that he will be nervous when he is born, as is popularly said. A healthy baby is going to move, and if she stops moving, something could happen to her.
That is why it is very important to know the movement pattern of each child, a sequence that is usually already determined between weeks 26-30. In general, children are more active in the evening and less in the morning. When the mother rests, the baby notices it and also her perception is more sharpened to realize those movements.
What to do if the movements are not noticeable?
Once you begin to perceive the activity of the intrauterine baby, you must notice it every day until the day of delivery. Although there is less space, the baby continues to move and the mother must notice it until the end of the pregnancy, day by day.
Stop noticing it can be an emergency, so without obsessing, you have to be aware of those movements. When you cannot perceive it as usual, the recommendations are that you lie on the left side (so that no vein that supplies blood supply to the uterus is not compressed) and that you eat some food that provides a dose fast glucose. It can be, dark chocolate, almonds, a banana or fruit juice, which provide instant energy and should cause the baby to move right after. A glass of ice water can also work.