How to choose grass for your yard?

A fresh, fluffy green meadow is a real luxury in any garden. However, unless it is artificial grass, which cannot be ruled out at all, enjoying a good lawn comes at a cost, which varies depending on the type and the demands imposed on us by its cultivation. Therefore, it is not always easy to choose the best variety. Here’s a little guide so you don’t go wrong.
Things to consider when choosing grass
Surely, before having to face the choice of grass for your garden, you did not have the remotest idea of the immense variety of types that exist. The grass was grass, nothing more.
There are many types of grass and each one has its own characteristics and cultivation needs that can be very different. To begin to determine which meadow you have to choose, start by thinking about what the grass you need should be like: will the meadow be very extensive or not? Do you have children or pets at home that subject it to intensive use? Do you live in an area of high temperatures? All these questions, and some others, are decisive in choosing the lawn that is best for you.
Artificial Grass

You may think that this question is off the mark because you have completely ruled out the use of artificial grass. In that case, our opinion is that you shouldn’t do it, at least not so lightly. You might be surprised at the quality that some types of artificial grass achieve, as well as the benefits they offer.
Despite everything, both natural and artificial grass have advantages and disadvantages. While the natural one is more beautiful and has a more pleasant touch, maintenance is infinitely more expensive, even when dealing with a species that is easy to grow.
Artificial grass, although it has a less real and pleasant texture, has the advantage of not giving you any work and of remaining perfect for a long time. You will have to assess the extension of meadow that you want to install and what your preferences are.
Advantages of an artificial grass
We have already commented that choosing an artificial grass for the garden is a valid and perfect option, since it offers multiple advantages and a more than acceptable appearance and almost natural touch, although it all depends on the quality of the material in question.
- Forget about work. The most interesting thing about having a natural lawn at home is that it is resistant and durable, and it frees you from the care involved in growing natural grass: you have to water it frequently, cut it, fertilize it, etc.
- For all types of soils and climates. You will not have to assess whether or not the soil in your garden is suitable for a natural meadow, if the climate in the area is very harsh or if it is too hot for the lawn.
- Maximum sustainability. Artificial grasslands may be more resource-intensive in the manufacturing process, but afterward they offer infinitely more sustainability. They do not consume water or any type of energy, since there is no need to fertilize or mow it.
Artificial grass does not only have advantages. It also has some drawback, since it can be quite expensive even if it is an initial investment, since later you save on maintenance.
Types of artificial grass
There are many types of artificial grass, of different qualities, fibers, thicknesses, etc. To choose it you must take into account different factors, starting with the use that you are going to give it. If you want a meadow that you are not going to tread on excessively, you can opt for a dense and soft decorative grass. It has a natural appearance. In case you need a lawn for sports use, or if you have small children who love to play ball in the garden, it is best to choose a more resistant material.
You should also take into account the type of artificial grass fibers.
- Monofilament grass has individual fibers, it is resistant but not very natural and, therefore, it is also the most economical. For non-traveled spaces.
- The fibrillated grass is dense and has a realistic air, so you can choose it for your terrace or for the garden.
- The textured grass is the one with the highest quality. It has main and secondary fibers, which provides more nuances and greater realism. It is dense, with a very natural texture, and it is also the most expensive.
In general, the longest-fiber artificial grass is the high-end one: more expensive but with a greater ability to recover its appearance after being stepped on. Those with medium and short fibers are more affordable, but also of poorer quality.
Natural grass

If, after thinking about it slowly and evaluating the pros and cons, you decide on natural grass, you will enjoy a natural and very beautiful meadow, with great decorative power. There are two procedures to have a lawn in your garden: sowing seeds or installing turf.
The first method, that of sowing the right seeds, is more economical. On the other hand, installing sods or plates of cultivated grass is more expensive, so it is a suitable solution for small gardens.
What kind of grass seeds are the best?
There is a wide variety of grass seeds that will give rise to incredible meadows. To choose the most appropriate in each case you have to assess different aspects, one of which refers to the use you are going to make of the meadow.
A decorative lawn that is hardly going to be stepped on is not the same as a more resistant lawn that has to withstand more intense traffic. In the first case, choose a dense, fine-leafed, very green lawn. It will need more care, frequent watering and a weekly cut, but it will be spectacular, as long as you don’t step on it too much… Some varieties of this type are Dichondra repens or Festuca rubra.
Resistant and practical
Do you need a more resistant meadow, which is decorative but also allows greater enjoyment? If you want a lawn for children to play on, you will have to opt for stronger varieties, capable of withstanding certain ‘aggressions’. In this sense, it is worth opting for varieties of Agrostis or Poas. You will get a functional herb, which will require less attention from you.
For hot climates
The type of climate in the area where you live is an important factor that we must take into account when choosing the type of natural grass for the garden.
If it is an area with a warm climate, it is best to choose varieties with broad and resistant leaves, which can withstand high temperatures and do not need too much water, such as Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon), Bay grass (Paspalum notatum) or Pennisetum clandestinum.
Varieties that withstand low temperatures
For cold and harsh climates, you should choose varieties that can withstand low temperatures and even frost. An example is Ray Grass or Lolium perenne, a fast-growing and spectacularly resistant grass. You can also choose the Agrostis stolonifera, as well as the Festuca arundinacea.