What cleaning products to use on marble?

Highly aesthetic and up-to-date, the return of marble is consolidated as a trend that reigns in our times. This noble material that resists the passage of time very well, however, is sensitive to some products. We reveal which ones, in addition to detailing which cleaners you can use for your care.

Solve your doubts about how to maintain and polish this exquisite natural stone with this guide and keep your surfaces in this luxurious material as beautiful as the first day.

Not all natural products are suitable for marble cleaning

Discard the false idea that natural products cannot damage marble surfaces, because there are those that are perfect for other uses, but specifically for this stone they are not. We are talking, for example, about a powerful disinfectant, lemon juice, ideal for other materials but whose acidity will damage marble if used repeatedly, although you can use it sporadically to remove a stain on the surface.

In the same way, white vinegar is too acidic (although it is less so than cleaning vinegar), so if you want to apply it, it must be diluted in this proportion: 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water. This mixture is ideal for polishing and brightening marble as long as its tone is not dark, because it could compromise its color.

What to use in cleaning marble?

On floors, walls, kitchen and bathroom countertops and tabletops, use a neutral soap diluted in water and, most importantly, dry well afterwards or marks may remain.

In the event that a stain has occurred, sponge immediately and rinse with water, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to remove. In any case, you should always prefer natural, low-acid and non-corrosive products.

Use of baking soda in cleaning marble

A home remedy to restore the shine of marble that is most effective is baking soda, a multifunctional product known for its degreasing properties and that will effortlessly shine this stone so that it looks like new.

Add 250 ml of water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda and mix everything well. Then, you just have to apply this solution with a cloth delicately. Then dry and you will see how the shine reappears.

More alternatives

In case you didn’t know, the combination of sparkling water and clay stone (white clay complemented with glycerin and soap) will also be a great ally when it comes to caring for marble, making it shine.

The mixture should not be too liquid, use two tablespoons of clay stone and add the sparkling water without making the product too diluted and clean the marble with a cloth. Then rinse well and then dry. This solution is ideal for cleaning and also making marble shine.

Do you need to revive the color of marble?

We refer again to the polyvalent sodium bicarbonate (be careful because it is slightly abrasive and you should not use it very often), as it helps to revive the color of the marble. You will see how applied mixed in water, the stone will revive its color.

On the other hand, for the polishing of floors and walls, which must be done approximately every two years, it is advisable to hire a specialized company.

With what product to wax?

If you want to wax floors or countertops, providing protection to surfaces and making them shine more, you will find hundreds of waxes on the market, for example, bee wax works very well in these functions and, being colorless, allows you to enjoy the original color of marble.

Put some beeswax on a microfiber cloth and rub in a circular motion, so that the product penetrates well. Finally, clean the marble with a soft, clean and dry cloth.

Solutions to stubborn stains

If a stain rebels and is persistent, you can follow this very effective procedure: sprinkle cornstarch and leave it to act for 20 minutes before cleaning with a dry cloth. Has this not worked? Then you can use baking soda with a drop of hydrogen peroxide, once the mixture has been applied with a cloth, cover the stain with transparent film paper and let it dry. Remove the remains and rinse well, as always drying in the final step.

If I have used an inappropriate product…

The ‘forbidden’ products that you should avoid, such as bleach or detergents without neutral pH, can damage the marble, so in case of accidental use of them, react quickly in this way: first of all, rinse well the surface with a cloth and clean lukewarm water and then (of course, in the case of a natural and porous material), dry it with a chamois that does not release lint, such as microfibers.