What foods produce collagen in skin?

This protein protects against toxic substances, pathogens, environmental toxins, microorganisms and cancer cells.

Collagen is a protein that is made up of fibers, it is secreted by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts. It constitutes between 25% and 30% of the total protein mass of the organism and 80% of the total connective tissue. This protein is made up of amino acids such as glycine, proline, hydroxy-proline and arginine. The amount of zinc, copper and silicon is also important.

Collagen is found in all the important structures of the body such as bones, tendons and ligaments, it is part of the connective tissues and specifically gives firmness to the skin, so collagen is vital in the elasticity of the skin.

What function does it have on our skin?

Collagen gives strength to the structures of the body, protects these structures also forming a barrier against toxic substances, pathogens, environmental toxins, microorganisms and cancer cells. It also protects the walls of the blood vessels, the digestive tract, the heart, the kidneys, the gallbladder and the urinary bladder, it also keeps tissues and cells together. It is also the largest component of hair and nails. Ligaments, connective tissues, tissues that attach muscles to bones… Collagen makes up most of the dermis. It is the protein that supports the skin and is the most complex protein in connective tissue, so the lack of collagen causes a lack of firmness and an increase in flaccidity.

When and how do we start to lose collagen in the skin?

With age, collagen begins to be lost, as a consequence of the slowness in the different metabolic processes due to the decrease in hormonal production, ultimately as a consequence of the passing of the years. This decrease in collagen makes the epithelial structures weaker, the skin thinner, easy to damage, the hair less strong, flaccidity begins, the appearance of wrinkles, as well as the tendons and ligaments are less elastic and the joints less flexible.

From the age of 25, the body decreases the production of collagen, from the age of 40 the decrease is much greater, according to what they say can decrease up to 1% per year after the age of 40. At age 70 the loss is approximately 30%.

The main causes can be grouped into four:

  1. Free radicals, produced by excessive sun exposure, smokers, polluting agents and some toxins, stress or exaggerated physical exercise, destroy existing collagen.
  2. Aging does not destroy collagen but decreases its production. For example, during menopause, this lack of hormone production can cause up to 30% of the skin’s collagen to be lost.
  3. Poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits. A contribution of minerals, vitamins and amino acids are essential in the formation of proteins, including collagen, likewise the contribution of antioxidants are essential to prevent the destruction of collagen. So a diet too rich in simple sugars damages collagen.
  4. Medical problems, which prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Infections and medications.

What is involved in the production of collagen?

As we can see, collagen production is totally linked to protein production in general. That is why the production of collagen is involved:

  • The diet and nutrients necessary for cells to perform their function correctly
  • The hormonal system is directly related to the production of collagen
  • Higher levels of HGH (growth hormone) can help the production of collagen as well as other proteins and elastin.

During menopause, likewise, the reduction in estrogen production causes a decrease in collagen production. This is another reason why many doctors are once again recommending hormone replacement therapy.

Collagen formation occurs while we sleep (a restful sleep) is when the body recovers and repairs itself, especially in the first part of sleep, it is when there is protein synthesis from the different nutrients and substances in the body.

How can we stimulate collagen production? Once we know how collagen is lost and why it is lost as well as how it is synthesized, we can act to stimulate its formation and prevent its destruction. To avoid its destruction, it is clear that it is to avoid the formation of free radicals and if they are formed, thanks to antioxidants, which will act by fighting the free radicals that will cause this destruction. A supply of nutrients sufficient for the body to have the necessary substance to “manufacture” it.

That these contributions properly reach the different parts and organs in charge of synthesizing them, improving blood circulation, to improve this one of the actions that we can do is exercise, which will stimulate it as well as improve the hormonal production of HGH. Directly the actions that we can take:


Hormones directly that will be prescribed by the doctor, indicated to supply our own deficiencies. Supplements that help secrete the growth hormone from the pituitary gland are usually amino acid complexes. Animal gelatin is one of the main sources of collagen, it is also low in fat and calories, so it is very beneficial to eat it.

Vitamin C, this vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which will help maintain high levels of collagen, so many fruits, including citrus fruits, tomatoes and vegetables, are a natural source of vitamin C, especially if you are a smoker. of vitamin C must be increased since this is one of the most important sources of destruction of collagen fibers and formation of free radicals.

Foods like protein-rich soy milk also increase collagen production. Coenzyme Q10 improves cell activity, which will improve the repair capacity and production of collagen. The contribution of collagen at the oral level will always be helpful, especially as it is a direct source of amino acids.

Topical route

In the skin we can act to activate and form new collagen or to avoid its destruction. The most appropriate way to avoid its destruction at the topical level is by applying sunscreens and avoiding exposure to the sun.

To activate the skin

Fraxel-type laser technique, induces laser energy that translates into heat in the middle layers of the skin, helping the regeneration of collagen fibers, eliminating the most superficial layers of the skin. It causes, in a way, a small lesion on the skin in a microscopic way that will cause the production of collagen when the skin responds to repair it. This treatment is only at the medical level.

Radiofrequency. This technique is based on electromagnetic radiation acts at a deeper level of the dermis, also causing heating and improving cellular activation of collagen production, in the long term, restores deeper collagen helping to replace older cells and stimulating the production of the new ones. Heating helps in turn to stimulate circulation in the area.

On the other hand, there is a migration of fibroblasts to the area, thus causing rejuvenation. There are devices for medical use such as Thermage in which one treatment per year is recommended or other treatments for aesthetic use that have to be repeated in more sessions, such as Indiba.

Peelings with Alpha Hydroxy acids and other acids such as retinol. The more or less powerful peels act on the superficial layers of the skin, eliminating them, this causes the skin to become active and have to repair it or produce collagen again.

Cosmetics with vitamin C, epidermal growth factor, vitamin A and gotu kola, and silicon, these cosmetics are in turn designed to stimulate collagen production by activating cell renewal, they also protect the skin against the negative action of radicals free.

Mesotherapy aims to provide nutrients internally to the dermis, activate the internal skin cells with the prick and also cause the migration of fibroblasts to produce collagen. The ideal components are injections with vitamin C and silicon.

Collagen topically, in ampoules, masks, creams or for hair, it acts as a repairer, although collagen, being a very large molecule, cannot pass through the dermal layer, it helps to restore the most superficial layers, I recommend it above all for finish treatments.