The world’s longest-serving leaders

We have prepared a list of country leaders who are currently in power for the longest time in the world. This list is a list of the longest currently living executive heads of nation-states or national governments other than royalty. The names in the list are given by combining the total time they were in power. They may not have done the same task the entire time.

First on my list is Head of Camera Paul Biya. The second on the list is Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea. Third on the list is Iranian President Ali Khamenei. While the first three places were formed in this way, President Tayyip Erdoğan managed to enter the list from the 18th place in Turkey.

The world’s longest-serving current state leaders

  1. Paul Biya, 89, Cameroon: 47 years, 173 days
  2. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, 80, Equatorial Guinea: 43 years, 159 days
  3. Ali Khamenei, 83, Iran: 41 years, 88 days
  4. Denis Sassou Nguesso, 79, Republic of the Congo: 38 years, 281 days
  5. Hun Sen, 70, Cambodia: 38 years, 14 days
  6. Yoweri Museveni, 78, Uganda: 36 years, 348 days
  7. Emmali Rahmon, 70, Tajikistan: 30 years, 51 days
  8. Isaias Afwerki, 76, Eritrea: 29 years, 230 days
  9. Alexander Lukashenko, 68, Belarus: 28 years, 173 days
  10. Daniel Ortega, 77, Nicaragua: 25 years, 49 days
  11. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, 75, Djibouti: 23 years, 246 days
  12. Vladimir Putin, 70, Russia: 23 years, 153 days
  13. Keith Mitchell, 76, Grenada: 22 years, 340 days
  14. Paul Kagame, 65, Rwanda: 22 years, 262 days
  15. Hage Geingob, 81, Namibia: 22 years, 196 days
  16. Bashar Assad, 57, Syria: 22 years, 176 days
  17. Ralph Gonsalves, 76, St. Vincent and the Grenadines: 21 years, 286 days
  18. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 68, Turkey: 19 years, 301 days
  19. Ilham Aliyev, 61, Azerbaijan: 19 years, 158 days
  20. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, 65, Uzbekistan: 19 years, 28 days
  21. Sheikh Hasina, 75, Bangladesh: 19 years, 25 days
  22. Roosevelt Skerrit, 50, Dominica: 19 years, 1 day
  23. Mahmud Abbas, 87, Palestine: 18 years, 150 days
  24. Lee Hsien Loong, 70, Singapore: 18 years, 150 days
  25. Faure Gnassingbé, 56, Togo: 17 years, 270 days
  26. Viktor Orbán, 59, Hungary: 16 years, 185 days
  27. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, 65, Turkmenistan: 16 years, 19 days
  28. Alassane Ouattara, 81, Ivory Coast: 15 years, 68 days
  29. Miloš Zeman, 78, Czech Republic: 13 years, 300 days
  30. Azali Assoumani, 64, Comoros: 13 years, 149 days
  31. Ali Bongo Ondimba, 63, Gabon: 13 years, 85 days
  32. Mark Rutte, 55, Netherlands: 12 years, 87 days
  33. Nguyễn Phú Trọng, 78, Vietnam: 11 years, 355 days
  34. Milo Đukanović, 60, Montenegro: 11 years, 329 days
  35. Faustin-Archange Touadéra, 65, Central African Republic: 11 years, 281 days

The dates and year information contained herein are current as of the date of the last update of this article. Periods that have passed since the last update date are not included.

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