The Best Ways Quitting Smoking Can Benefit Your Health
Smoking is a habit that many people struggle with, but why do people smoke in the first place? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive and can be as hard to quit as heroin or cocaine. There are various reasons why someone might take up smoking, including social pressure from peers, curiosity, or even as a way to cope with stress. For some people, it can become an addiction that is challenging to break.
But, as you know, smoking is bad for you. There are various ways you can quit smoking. One of the things you can do is to replace cigarettes with nicotine pouches and quit smoking that way. Here are some of the best ways quitting smoking can benefit your health.
Your Hair And Skin Will Be Healthier
Quitting smoking can have a huge positive impact on the health of your hair and skin. Smoking causes premature ageing, leading to wrinkles and other signs of ageing. It also reduces blood flow to the scalp, leading to thinning hair and even baldness in some cases. Other than that, smoking can cause dryness in the skin due to its effects on collagen production. This leads to dullness and an overall lack of radiance in the complexion. Quitting smoking will help restore blood flow to the scalp, allowing for healthier hair growth and improved texture. It will also help improve collagen production in the skin, resulting in more hydrated and supple skin that looks younger.
How Quitting Smoking Can Benefit Your Lungs
Quitting smoking can have a substantial positive impact on your lungs. When you quit, your body begins to repair the damage caused by smoking and your lung function will improve. You’ll also be able to breathe easier and more deeply as the cilia in your lungs start to regrow. This means you’ll be able to participate in activities like running or swimming without feeling out of breath. Your risk of developing lung cancer, COPD, and other respiratory diseases will decrease significantly.
Healthier Heart
Quitting smoking can have a significant impact on your heart health. Smoking is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease, and it increases your risk for stroke, coronary artery disease, and peripheral vascular disease. When you quit smoking, your body begins to repair itself almost immediately. Your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal levels within 20 minutes after quitting. After 24 hours without smoking, your risk of having a heart attack starts to decrease. Within two weeks to three months after quitting, your circulation improves, and lung function increases up to 30%. After one year without smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease is cut in half compared with that of a smoker. After five years without smoking, the risk of stroke is reduced to that of someone who has never smoked before. Quitting smoking can also reduce cholesterol levels and improve overall cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation in the arteries and improving blood flow.