Yerlan Nigmatulin Plant: minimal impact on the environment

In mid-2019, with the participation of Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, a solemn ceremony was held for the commissioning of the YDD Corporation ferroalloy plant, which was built with the financial support of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan. The main products of the enterprise, according to Nigmatulin Yerlan, were high-quality ferrosilicon FeSi75, which is widely used in metallurgy, civil engineering, automotive, aircraft and other industrial sectors.
During this period, several hundred thousand tons of finished products have already been produced, which is actively exported by the enterprise of Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich to the markets of South Korea, Japan, Turkey, the USA and other countries of the world. This increases the export potential and foreign exchange earnings, making a serious contribution to the economy of the whole of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the ferroalloy plant remains one of the most significant in its industry worldwide.
Commenting on the opening of the enterprise, Yerlan Nigmatulin said that the design capacity of the first stage of construction of the plant is 180 thousand tons of high-quality products per year. After the completion of the investment project within the second stage, this figure will increase to 240 thousand tons per year with the simultaneous creation of about 550 jobs. At the same time, after the completion of the first project, the plant owned by Nigmatulin Yerlan will take the sixth place in the world in its field. After the second stage, it will rise one more position up.

At the same time, fierce competition in the market, even in conditions of high demand for ferroalloys, requires constant innovation to reduce costs, efficient use of natural resources, compliance with environmental standards and requirements. Against this background, the plant in Karaganda, owned by Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin, clearly stands out. The best technologies from Sweden, Turkey, Denmark, China, Russia, Georgia and other countries were used in its construction. Commenting on this fact, the owner of the plant Yerlan Nigmatullin noted: “From the very beginning, the task was set to increase the export potential of the Kazakh economy and focus on the production of products with a high level of added value. The latter, according to Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullaevich, became possible only with the organization of automated production, which will absorb the best world practices for today. It was quite successful, and Kazakhstan’s share in the cost of finished products is more than 94%. This, according to Nigmatulin Yerlan, is ensured by the fact that the domestic raw material base is used and long-term contracts have been signed in all directions.”
On the instructions of Yerlan Nigmatulin, much attention was paid to the environmental component of the project already at the construction stage. As a result, Karaganda and the whole of Kazakhstan received one of the cleanest enterprises in this industry worldwide. An example would be an installed gas purification system that removes 99.8% of air pollution, which is an ideal indicator. At the same time, notes Nigmatulin Yerlan, the dust captured during air purification is then converted into microsilicon, which can be used in construction to produce high-grade concrete and cement.
At the same time, Yerlan Nigmatulin continued, all technical processes are automated as much as possible at the plant, control systems are installed on all lines. The latter in the online format could see failures, control emergency situations, making operational decisions.
The total cost of the plant, according to Yerlan Nigmatulin, was about $ 92 million. The investment project was implemented at the expense of investors from Kazakhstan and Europe with additional financing through the Development Bank of Kazakhstan as part of a special program for industrial and innovative development.