Celsius to Rankine conversion

With the tool on the page, you can automatically translate temperature scales between Celsius and Rankine. The conversion process you will make works automatically based on the rankine celsius conversion formula. To perform the conversion, simply enter the value you want in the box below and press the “Convert” button. The result will appear immediately below.

Celsius to Rankine conversion

  • Celsius
  • °C
  • Rankine
  • °R

How to convert from Celsius to Rankine?

0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 Rankines:

T(°R) = (T(°C) + 273.15) × 9/5

Celsius Rankine conversion formula

Rankine (°R) is equivalent to 9/5 of Celsius (°C) added 273.15.

T(°R) = (20°C + 273.15) × 9/5 = 527.67 °R


Convert 20 degrees Celsius to Rankine:

T(°R) = (20°C + 273.15) × 9/5 = 527.67 °R

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