What are the benefits of krill oil?

Krill oil is a supplement that, above all, provides you with Omega 3 fatty acids, which is why it is beneficial for your cardiovascular health.

Within nutritional supplements, today we want to talk about the properties of those made with krill oil. It is a word used by Norwegian fishermen, and that it refers to small living organisms that are food for many marine mammals. There are more than 80 different species of krill, and the two best-known krill species are the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and the Atlantic krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica). This oil comes from micro-crustaceans similar to very small shrimps. Krill is one of the sources of food for the largest animals in the ocean, whales.

Krill oil health benefits

Before starting to use it, you should take into account what its main healthy properties are. Its healthy properties are explained by its composition. Krill oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, whose cardiovascular benefits are widely proven and recognized. For all these reasons, krill helps to reduce hypercholesterolemia, reducing cardiovascular risk. There is also data that points to its anti-inflammatory effect.

To all this, it can help us improve premenstrual symptoms, while being a great source of energy, both for physical, mental and emotional fatigue. But it is also that it also has a great antioxidant action, because it is a protector of free radicals.

Which people can especially benefit from its use?

It is recommended for adults who want to control their cholesterol levels, along with a healthy diet. It can be used alone or as a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor The caution must be taken in the case of having an allergy to shellfish, because in that specific case, the use of krill oil would be contraindicated.

Differences krill oil and fish oil

One of the questions that arises is what are the differences between krill oil and fish oil is basically the amount of Omega 3 they contain. While krill oil contains between 7 and 12% Omega 3, fish oil contains approximately 30% Omega-3. However, Krill oil also contains a high concentration of phospholipids (for example ‘lecithins’) which are important for brain function and for controlling blood fat/lipid levels.

Similar to other fish oils, krill oil is also a source of phospholipids and astaxanthin. Krill oil also compared to other types of fish, has great stability, does not go rancid as quickly as other types of oil can. It does not produce reflux or a sensation of fishy taste, unlike some oils. If it produces reflux, it indicates a digestive system that is somewhat altered in terms of PH. Therefore, in these cases it is advisable to accompany it with food. Although it will help shortly to recover that alteration and normalize.