How to enter the deep web?

It is said that approximately 90% of the internet consists of the deep web. As we know, most definitions of the Internet mention the existence of three layers: surface, deep and dark web. These classifications can be both useful and misleading. The words “deep” and “dark” regularly carry close connotations. However, we are talking about three very different definitions.

Next, we will briefly review the deep web and its features and explore some myths about it.

What is the deep web and how does it form?

It is normal for us to believe that we are familiar with the things we use most in life. The same principle affects our daily activities on the Internet, giving us the feeling that we understand what the Internet is and how it works. But the truth is that we are only scratching the surface.

From daily exercise, the Internet allows us to use search engines such as Google to access thousands of sites. However, these make up only a small percentage of the entire network, better known as the surface network. In contrast, the deep web is a subset that includes all sites that search engines cannot find. That is, everything that does not appear on Google can be found in this layer of the Internet.

So what data is here? Most of this data is password protected and should not be disclosed. This includes log data that is largely protected by security systems:

  • Includes movies released by Netflix.
  • It designs the information on the servers that keep the profiles of social networks.
  • All our backup file copies protected in the cloud.
  • Medical, financial and legal records.
  • Even all the exclusive videos we can’t see on YouTube.

As we can imagine, the deep web is huge. Its content is estimated to be 500 to 5,000 times greater than what is easily accessible on the surface web.

What are some myths that haunt the deep web?

Due to the constant confusion between the deep web and the dark web, the deep web is surrounded by various myths. Some of those:

Is it used to commit criminal acts? A lot of deep web news confuses non-indexed pages with the dark web. The truth is that most of this underlying layer is legitimate and run by major cloud brands like Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

Is access completely free? There is both paid and free content on the deep web. As a result, it includes subscription content that is not free, such as newspapers and membership sites.

Do you need special tools to access? Most of the deep web is just basic pages. All we need is a standard browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari. It’s the part of the dark web that requires the use of a browser like Tor to hide browsing activity.

Steps to access the deep web

The main goal there is to do this anonymously and with the highest security. To do this successfully, you must follow these steps:

  • Creating an initial security barrier by using a VPN service that encrypts our data and hides our identity.
  • Install Tor Browser and keep it updated. In this way we find secure functions such as automatic deletion of cookies and browsing history.
  • Time to wander. For this, we need to discover the addresses of the sites because they are not indexed like Google. You can visit sites such as Hidden Wiki and Onion List.

One last piece of advice: you should avoid visiting sites such as our bank or email. Likewise, you should avoid downloading files or clicking on any type of ads. The deep web contains valuable information, but cyber attackers are always on the lookout. Of course, the deep web is content that is inaccessible to traditional search engines, making it somewhat harder and sometimes more valuable to discover.