How to plan and automate IT processes?

Manual document preparation or backup? Now it is not necessary! Thanks to modern IT technologies, processes can be automated to save time, reduce costs and improve the quality of customer service. See how to plan and automate IT processes in your company.

Process automation – what is it?

Process automation refers to activities that enable the automation of various actions, for example, industrial, technological, or business processes.

As part of automation, tasks are performed not directly by the employee but by software that performs them without human intervention. Today, RPA (robotic process automation) software is increasingly used for this purpose, which goes a step further and enables the help of learning robots.

Automation is also possible as part of IT processes in the company, i.e., all kinds of IT processes. Many are routine, repetitive processes that follow a pattern, which is why they are perfect for automation.

How can IT processes be automated?

Most often, in the IT area, processes classified as back-office, i.e., the company’s back office, are automated. Employees follow various methods regularly to keep the company running smoothly.

Therefore, when planning the automation of IT processes, it is worth considering the following areas:


Automation primarily allows for more efficient handling of processes using proprietary software. Many activities with its use can be carried out automatically, also thanks to integration with other systems.

Cloud Computing

An exciting example of automation in IT is automation in the cloud, which allows for more efficient use of cloud resources.

IT security

Automation plays a vital role in ensuring the company’s IT security. You can automate processes related to data backup, system access, or error detection in IT processes.

DevOps transformation

In addition, automation supports the DevOps transformation, which aims to ensure smooth cooperation between the program development and operations teams. Automation then supports the software development and implementation processes.

More about the concept of DevOps transformation can be found at:

How does the automation of IT processes take place?

Automation of IT processes in a company requires several stages:

1. Choosing an IT company

Automation should be entrusted to a company with the appropriate competence and experience.

2. IT audit

Thanks to it, you can find out how the IT area in the company works and determine what processes require additional optimization before automating them to make them effective.

3. Selection of solutions

Based on the IT audit and interview results, appropriate solutions can be selected. The company providing services in this area then presents the possible ways of automation and the software used for this and develops a work schedule.

4. System implementation

The last stage is implementing a system that allows for the automation of IT processes. The implementation should be carried out with the participation of testers from the company who know the processes implemented in it well. Employee training and access to technical support are also crucial in the implementation process.