How to stop your iPhone battery health from going down

There is a lot that can be done to prevent iPhone battery health from decreasing, but improving the performance of our iPhone’s battery without losing important functions or using less is not an easy thing. It is obvious that improper use of the device will cause damage to most of the components, especially the battery. However, the battery will also be damaged in case of normal use of the device, this is an obvious thing, but we can make it more harmless. Therefore, in this article we offer you some tips to improve the health of your iPhone’s battery.
Tips to take care of your battery health
The battery does not just wear out with the use of the device, it is something that frankly cannot be fixed, because after all, when a user buys this type of product, he wants to be able to enjoy and use it without worry. However, there are a number of factors to consider that will, on the one hand, not affect your experience with the iPhone to be very satisfactory, and on the other hand, will help you maintain good battery health.
All batteries have a set of characteristics that lose performance over time. The battery is 100% when you purchase the device, but this maximum capacity gradually decreases as time passes. It is important to remember that you should not be obsessed with the battery, as with normal use, proper charging, and always updating the device, the battery may deteriorate by 2-3% every year. But after 500 cycles, Apple’s battery begins to deteriorate most noticeably.
Pay attention to environmental conditions
It is important that the iPhone is always kept at a good temperature, both when in use and when locked or stored directly in a drawer for long periods of time. Following Apple’s recommendations, we see that the humidity of the environment should always vary between 0% and 95% without condensation. When it comes to temperatures, they always state that the ideal will be between 16 and 25º Celsius, although they extend the range to temperatures between 0 and 35º Celsius.
Therefore, if you live in a place where the device may be exposed to high temperatures or very extreme humidity, our advice is to always try to keep your iPhone as safe as possible. For example, in summer, never place it in the sun and try to keep it away from places where humidity is very high. However, it is normal for the device to do the same thing at times of the year when the temperature increases. As long as it stays within the limits mentioned above, there will be no problem.
Automatic lock
Determining how long the screen is active without performing any function will cause wear and tear on the screen as well as draining the battery. To determine how long the device will last, go to the General Settings tab and type “Auto Lock” in the search box. If you click on it, you will get information showing the time it takes for the device to shut down. Having a screen off time between 30 seconds and one minute will prevent you from wasting charge cycles, extending the life of the device and optimizing its performance.
Cellular or Wi-Fi usage
Another way to improve your iPhone’s performance and battery life is to unlock features you’re not using at the same time. Specifically, one of the most common is cellular or Wi-Fi applications, since the use of one automatically results in the inactivity of the other. Enabling either option will cause these functions to be used in the background and increase battery drain if we are away from home or traveling for long periods of time. Therefore it is always better to use only one of both functions.
Regarding Wi-Fi usage, sometimes we may have default Wi-Fi connection to connect to any Wi-Fi network and Wi-Fi connection to trusted networks may not be default. This can cause the iPhone to constantly search for Wi-Fi signals, again draining the battery. You can turn off Wi-Fi when you’re away from home by creating an automation from the Shortcuts app. With reverse automation, you can enable Wi-Fi to be turned on when you approach home.
If you want to increase battery life and health, there are alternatives to vibration and you can turn it off. Unlock your iPhone using Touch ID or Face ID. Go to general settings and type, sound and vibrations. Here you can turn off the vibration feature.
If you are not going to use your iPhone for a while
Continuing from the above, the humidity conditions you need to store the iPhone when you will not use it for a good season are the same, so if it is a drawer or cabinet, you should measure this parameter and temperature well. Also, make sure the device is not hit by direct sunlight, and if you still have your original box, keep it inside so it doesn’t collect dust, which could damage its internal components.
What Apple recommends most in this case is about half the battery level. Also, even if you are not going to use the device on a daily basis, try turning it on from time to time and use it for a few hours and then charge it again to half the battery capacity. This will ensure that the battery remains in good condition even when not in use.
Avoid excessive use when hot
iPhone may reach very high internal temperatures in some situations. A message will usually appear warning of this and preventing its use for security reasons, but it is recommended to anticipate this message as much as possible. Therefore, if you notice that the phone is overheating, it is better to let it rest for a few minutes and even turn it off if possible. Do not try to cool it by putting it in the refrigerator or near an ice pack or similar cold item, as the contrast in temperatures can be fatal to the iPhone.
Regarding this, you should also take into account the temperature of the iPhone when charging and where you will do it. All devices increase their temperature when charged, so if you add to this unfavorable external high heat conditions, there is a high risk of damage to the phone. Therefore, always pay attention to the location and situation where you charge your iPhone so that it does not suffer from overheating.
Low power mode
Another myth that needs to be broken regarding these issues is the myth that having your phone in saving mode can be bad, which is false. It does not affect you by charging your iPhone while it is in this mode, nor does it affect the health of the battery at all. What this mode does is restrict certain functions in order to have a lower drain on the battery, but it does not negatively impact battery degradation.
In fact, the low power mode is made so that users can use it at certain times, so it cannot harm the device’s battery at all. What you’ll notice when you turn it on is that perhaps some animations don’t flow the same way, but that’s exactly what makes the iPhone consume less battery and therefore last longer.
Updating iOS is always recommended
One more tip to keep in mind, even if you read or hear otherwise, is to always update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS available. It is true that Apple occasionally had to fix a bug that caused battery consumption to be higher and could postpone many, but the truth is that it is always about optimizing consumption. In addition to being updated, your iPhone will be more secure with the latest security measures and you will be able to enjoy visual and functional innovations.
Therefore, our advice is to always update your iPhone to the latest version released by Apple. Of course, do not worry if during the download and installation of the operating system you notice that the device is a little warmer than usual, as this is a completely ordinary and normal thing.
Do not use non-original batteries
When the iPhone battery gets damaged, it’s understandable that we go to unauthorized services to replace it because of the money savings this repair saves compared to Apple. However, in addition to losing the warranty, it may be counterproductive as you will also be installing a part that the iPhone will not recognize as original and thus lose useful values related to battery health. When it comes to duration and optimization, the experience can be much worse in the long run. You can also check with Apple authorized centers as their prices may vary but also be interesting and always be sure that they are original parts.
In addition, you should take into account that certain knowledge and tools are needed in the process of replacing the battery, so if you do not like them, you can seriously compromise other components of the device, along with the risk of making the iPhone completely unusable.
Calibrate the battery when you notice certain malfunctions
Finally, our advice is to calibrate your iPhone battery when you notice certain malfunctions. For example, if your iPhone goes from one battery percentage to a much lower battery percentage in a short period of time, you suddenly have more battery than before even though you haven’t charged it, or your iPhone shuts down due to lack of battery when it doesn’t reach 1%. This process will cause the battery to be optimized and not show these extraneous values.
Charge your iPhone properly
If we want the iPhone battery to last as long as possible and at the same time remain in optimal health for a long time, an essential aspect is to pay attention to how to charge it. This doesn’t mean always paying attention to battery percentage or obsessing over battery degradation. You just need to be clear on a set of tips that, if followed regularly, will make your iPhone battery last much longer in good condition.
Should you turn on iOS Optimized Charging?
Starting with iOS 13 and later, iPhones have an option in Settings > Battery that lets you enable what Apple calls optimized charging. This is done using artificial intelligence as the iPhone’s machine learning will learn from your habits and always charge the iPhone up to 80% and charge up to 100% if suitable conditions occur. In principle, this results in less wear and tear on the battery, but unless you have very distinct habits such as always charging at night, it is more advisable to disable it.
You may need to remove the case while charging
In light of the previous point, there is also a possibility of the iPhone overheating while charging. If your iPhone has a case or bumper, it is recommended that you remove it during the charging process, even if the accessory is an original Apple product. In this way, you can help better manage the internal temperature of the device and prevent the battery from overheating and wearing out.
Do not let the battery run out before charging
Especially when it comes to the first charge of the device, we tend to think that it is good to completely discharge the battery before continuing to charge the phone. Nothing could be further from the truth because what you will end up doing is causing the battery to fail. This doesn’t mean you can never do it, but it is not recommended to habitually let iPhone go to 0%.
We refer to the same thing when it comes to the initial charging of the device. Of course, it must be said that the battery life of the device will be lower in the first days of use. This is due to the fact that in the first hours and even days the device inputs a lot of information, in addition to the fact that the battery needs to sit down. After 4-7 days the battery should work at full capacity.
Pay attention to the charger you are using
You may not be able to use your Apple charger because it is broken, lost, or you have found another charger that you like better because it is longer. It is not necessary to always charge the iPhone with an original Apple charger, but it is okay if the one you use is MFi (Made For iPhone) certified. Such chargers, even if they are not from the brand, meet Apple’s quality standards and guarantee that they will work well without affecting the performance of the battery. While it’s understandable that there are very cheap chargers that are tempting, most of the MFis we found are also very cheap.
Turn on Low Power Mode
Low Power Mode, introduced for the first time in iOS 9, extends your iPhone’s battery life when your battery starts to die. The iPhone notifies you when it’s only 20% charged and does so again when it reaches 10%, allowing you to activate this mode with a single tap. You can also do this from Settings > Battery.
Low Power Mode reduces screen brightness, optimizes device performance and minimizes system animations. Apps like Mail won’t download content in the background, and features like iCloud syncing, AirDrop, and Continuity are disabled. You’ll still be able to use basic features like accessing the internet or making and receiving calls, emails, and messages.
Check your battery usage
iOS makes it easy to manage battery life (if your device isn’t charging) because you can see the percentage of battery each app is using. To check the consumption of each app, go to Settings > Battery. You can see the following messages under the applications used:
- Background activity. This indicates that the app is consuming battery in the background, i.e. while you are using another app. To save battery life, turn off the feature that lets you update apps in the background. Go to Settings > General > Background Refresh. If the Mail app appears as Background Activity, you can download the data manually or increase the download interval. Go to ‘Get Data’ > Settings > Passwords & Accounts.
- Location and Background Location. Indicates that the app is using location services. You can save battery life by turning off these services for the application in question from Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Under Location Services, you’ll see the permissions set for each app. Apps that have recently used Location Services will have an indicator next to On/Off.
- Home/Lock Screen. Indicates that the Home or Lock screen is displayed. For example, the screen lit up when you pressed the Home button or received a notification. If an app constantly turns on the screen with notifications, you can turn off push notifications for that app in Settings > Notifications. Tap the app, then turn off Allow Notifications.
- No mobile coverage and low signal. This indicates that you are in an area with poor coverage and your iOS device is searching for a better signal, or you are using your device in a location with very low signal and this is affecting battery life. You can optimize battery life by turning on airplane mode. Open Control Center and tap the Airplane mode icon. Please note that you cannot make or receive calls in this mode.
How you use your device is the starting point when it comes to determining whether the battery needs to be replaced. For example, if you have a core use of social media posting and little else, you can probably withstand more battery replacements over time than if you’re a user with heavy daily use for the device.
If you are a basic user, it might be a good idea to replace the 80-75% battery because then the device will probably not last a full day and you will need to charge it in the afternoon. In the second case, battery replacement is recommended for about 85-80%, since this is a rather significant loss of autonomy and you will probably have to carry an external battery or charger during the day.
Turn off your iPhone while charging
Although this practice is a little annoying, since we may want to continue using our iPhone while it is charging, this way we will make the charging faster than if the device was kept on. We will also take advantage of the system in case of glitches or errors.