Why does my phone charger get so hot?

Have you ever wondered why the phone charger gets hot? If so, the first thing you should know is that this can happen for various reasons. Charging the phone in fast mode or exposing the phone charger to high temperatures are some reasons. Find out how to avoid these situations.

Why does the phone charger get hot? Has this happened to you and are you worried about the damage your equipment may suffer from these heat strokes? Here we will explain why the phone charger heats up and the consequences of this phenomenon.

First, it is important that you know how this accessory works to take care of the battery of your device. While you can use any charger available at home, not all of them are suitable for your equipment.

Basically, your phone’s USB charger is used to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This is because the power coming from the home socket needs to be adapted to the mobile. In this process, heat is generated.

Now, there are other aspects that will allow us to understand why the phone charger heats up. We tell you below:

  • The chargers have an element known as a transformer. This is used to fulfill the electricity conversion process. That being the case, the more current it provides, the more heat it will generate and it is normal for you to feel it when you touch your equipment.
  • A malfunction of the charger or problems with the connection of the power outlet increase the heat. You will notice that your charger is so hot that you cannot hold it with your hand.

Of course, knowing the consequences of this happening is key to ensuring the proper functioning of your equipment. Keep reading and discover more about this topic

What are the consequences of your charger failing?

You have already seen why the phone charger heats up. Now it is important to refer to the consequences. Without a doubt, you will be interested to know what this entails and how you can act preventively.

One of the problems with charger overheating is the risk of fire. Believe it or not, a USB charger that doesn’t work well can cause serious mishaps. As an example are the damage to the battery and the explosions due to a voltage greater than that required by the mobile.

So the main thing is caution. So we invite you to be alert to the following signs:

  • Fusion in the plastic or cable that you use to charge your equipment.
  • Strong or unusual smell (smoke or melted plastic) coming from your charger.
  • Burn marks (black or brown) on the cord, charger, or outlet.
  • Sudden heat or something unusual (cracks or physical damage) in your charger or equipment cable.

Taking some preventative measures will do you good. Charge your phone away from any flammable or combustible objects. Do it on a table or safe place. Avoid, for example, doing it on the sofa or the blanket on your bed.

If you notice that your device is hotter than usual, act fast. Next, we give you some recommendations to avoid accidents and damages.

5 actions to take care of the battery and charger

You already know why the phone charger gets hot, but don’t worry. Choose to carry out these actions and thus take care of your safety and your equipment:

  1. Unplug your equipment from the power outlet if you detect a high temperature.
  2. Look for any signs of dirt or obstruction on the pins used to charge it.
  3. Check that the USB charging port of your mobile is also clean and not clogged.
  4. Try charging again. If the problem persists, use a different cable. Just make sure it’s the same model as your computer.
  5. Evaluate whether it is worth using chargers other than the one your equipment originally brought. It is important to guarantee its operation according to the port, the charging speed and the fast charging system it has.
  6. Do not forget that high-quality chargers have a protection circuit that automatically turns it off when they fail. Therefore, do not use any charger.

In conclusion, prevention is everyone’s task. You now know why the mobile charger heats up and the possible consequences. Now is the time to put into practice the recommendations to keep your device active safely.