How to record part of the screen on your iPhone?

We show you the way to record a specific area of the screen as a video on iPhone iOS.

Apple makes available to its users a wide variety of tools to share content on iOS. Yes, there are many ways to share from your iPhone, even through screen recordings! The iPhone operating systems offer the nice possibility of recording the screen by generating a video that is saved in Photos. An advanced alternative to traditional still image captures.

In the past, it was not possible to carry out these types of actions in iOS, you had to resort to alternatives to be able to record the screen of the iPhone. Until iOS 11 came along and changed everything. Apple introduced a small system to make screen recordings directly from the Control Center.

How to record an area of the screen of your iPhone

Did you know that it is possible to crop an area of the screen in a recording? That’s right, thanks to Apple’s screenshot editing tools, users can record and share a specific area of the screen.

Follow these steps to record an area of the screen:

  1. Access the iOS Control Center.
  2. Click on the screen recording button.
  3. End the screen recording when you’re done.
  4. Tap on the screen recording notification or go to your Photos albums to watch the video.
  5. Click on the blue “Edit” button located in the upper right corner.
  6. Press the crop tool (to the far right).
  7. Select the area you want to crop on the screen recording.

If you can’t find the button to record your iPhone screen in Control Center, just go to Settings > Control Center and add the “Screen recording” option. And ready! It is that easy to record a specific area on the iPhone screen. A very simple method that will only take a couple of minutes.