The fastest DNS server today

DNS servers or DNS addresses are very useful tools in terms of Internet connection security and accessibility of content. DNS servers allow your device to translate the public IP address needed to access any website or server. So, which are the fastest DNS addresses today in the world and are currently the most used? Let’s discover the fastest DNSs together.

DNS servers are automatically assigned by your internet company when you connect to the internet. You may need to use an alternative DNS service for many reasons. With the DNS addresses listed here, your connection will be safer and faster. We have prepared a list of the fastest DNS servers for you.

1. Google Public DNS

Google Public DNS is a DNS server provided by Google. Its aim is to make the internet faster and safer. Google Public DNS has been serving Internet users since December 2009. However, it is currently one of the most used DNS services in the world.

To set up Google Public DNS, you need to change your device’s DNS addresses to and Google Public DNS also supports IPv6 connection. A high security service on the network is achieved with Google’s DNS service, and a fast internet connection is achieved due to the Anycast system that Google uses to find the nearest server. Google Public DNS is also resistant to DoS attacks.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

There are also IPv6 versions:

  • Primary DNS: 2001:4860:4860::8888
  • Secondary DNS: 2001:4860:4860::8844

2. Cloudflare DNS

Cloudflare DNS has attracted a lot of attention since its release and has quickly become one of the most used free DNS servers. The service is currently one of the fastest DNS servers. DNS servers, which were put into service in 2018, have become one of the best free and public DNS servers you can use today.

To start using Cloudflare’s DNS service, all you need to do is change your device’s DNS address to Since it is a very easy to remember DNS address, it is also easy to set.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

There are also IPv6 public DNS servers:

  • Primary DNS: 2606:4700:4700::1111
  • Secondary DNS: 2606:4700:4700::1001

3. OpenDNS

If your goal is not just to change DNS, but you also want more control, OpenDNS is the DNS service for you. According to the company, OpenDNS gives you a high level of security and control. OpenDNS offers its services in two options; individual and corporate.

With these options, protection against identity theft is also provided. While OpenDNS provides private, secure servers to companies for a fee, it is offered free of charge to individual users. To switch to OpenDNS, you can use the addresses and You can also benefit from family protection if you wish.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

IPv6 addresses are also available:

  • Primary DNS: 2620:119:35::35
  • Secondary DNS: 2620:119:53::53

4. Norton DNS

Norton DNS is one of the services that aims to make your internet connection more secure. This DNS address provided by the world-famous antivirus company Norton provides protection against malware, identity theft and fraud. Norton DNS is a component of Norton Everywhere; This will give you the ability to block access to sites known to transmit harmful information, as well as which sites your employees or family members can view.

To switch to Norton DNS, you must change your DNS settings to This DNS gives you standard security protection. Also, if you want security against pornography, you can use For maximum security, you can use the address, where all kinds of protection are available.

  • A — Security (virus, phishing sites and scam sites):
  • B — Security + Pornography:
  • C — Security + Pornography + Other:

5. Comodo Secure DNS

Comodo Secure DNS is another DNS service that aims to provide security, speed and healthy connection. Comodo Secure DNS, which comes with a 100% cloud-based, load-balanced, geographically distributed, highly available Anycast DNS infrastructure hosted in more than 25 countries, will also be indispensable with the security features it provides.

You can use and DNS addresses to install Comodo Secure DNS on your device.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

6. OpenNIC DNS

OpenNIC DNS is a secure and powerful DNS service. Are you looking for an open and democratic alternative DNS address? Are you worried about censorship? OpenNIC may be the solution for you! By using DNS servers provided by volunteers, you can ensure that your Internet connection is not censored by your DNS servers.

To find a suitable DNS address, you can browse OpenNIC’s servers: OpenNIC DNS servers.

7. Control D

Control D is a unique DNS service, each separated by a different theme. The “uncensored” one aims to provide a solution that aims to bypass censorship, offering a proxy to bypass censorship imposed on sites blocked in most countries.

It also offers DNS services in the themes “Unfiltered”, “Malware”, “Social”, “Family friendly” and “Ad and tracking blocker”. For Control D, you need to change your device’s DNS settings to and

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

IPv6 is also supported:

  • Primary DNS: 2606:1a40::
  • Secondary DNS: 2606:1a40:1::

8. CleanBrowsing

CleanBrowsing has three free public DNS server options: security filter, adult filter, and family filter. CleanBrowsing is a DNS Filtering technology that creates safe browsing experiences on your network.

The following DNS addresses are DNS servers for security filtering, the most basic of the three servers that are updated hourly to block malware and phishing sites:

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

IPv6 is also supported:

  • Primary DNS: 2a0d:2a00:1::2
  • Secondary DNS: 2a0d:2a00:2::2

9. Quad9

Quad9 is a free service that replaces your default DNS configuration. When your computer performs any Internet operation that uses DNS, Quad9 prevents it from looking up malicious hostnames from an up-to-date threat list.

This blocking action protects your devices against a wide range of threats, including malware, phishing, spyware, and botnets. You can use and DNS addresses to install the Quad9 DNS service on your devices.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

There are also Quad 9 IPv6 DNS servers:

  • Primary DNS: 2620:fe::fe
  • Secondary DNS: 2620:fe::9

10. AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS has two sets of DNS servers that block ads in games, videos, applications and web pages. There are also “Family protection” servers that block adult content.

These servers are also available as DNS over HTTPS, TLS, and QUIC, as well as DNSCrypt. To set up AdGuard DNS, you must use the addresses and

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

IPv6 is also supported:

  • Primary DNS: 2a10:50c0::ad1:ff
  • Secondary DNS: 2a10:50c0::ad2:ff