What to use instead of Twitter? Twitter alternatives

Twitter has never been the most popular social network or the most followed. But it has always been a reference. And it is that on Twitter you can read comments from politicians, athletes, actors and an endless number of celebrities and relevant people. However, this social network is also accompanied by controversies, such as hate speech, rude comments or the decisions of Elon Musk, its recent owner. Hence, many seek alternatives to Twitter without so much controversy.

The most obvious alternatives are the most popular social networks. But TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp or Telegram are not exactly the same as Twitter. The most similar of the above may be Telegram, but they are still different. Luckily, there are other microblogging proposals that are more similar. That is, social networks in which to publish short messages giving your opinion or sharing content.

Below, we review five of the alternatives to Twitter that best fit what has made this social network a benchmark: the ability to write short messages and share all kinds of content, the option to follow other users and/or chat with them and, why not, a place where experts from all over the world share their knowledge with us.



Among the alternatives to Twitter that have emerged in the debate, the most mentioned is Mastodon. In fact, you may already be on this social network. It is not exactly the same as Twitter, but they do offer a space in which to post messages, reply to them, follow users and topics, search for messages, etc. In addition, it brings some advantages over Twitter.

For starters, Mastodon does not belong to a single company. Anyone can create a Mastodon server and thus offer a virtual space to whoever wants to register. Those servers then federate to become part of a larger whole. Thus, anyone can see the comments posted on your server and those of other servers.

Mastodon is accessible via the web and through its desktop and mobile applications. Registration is free and you will see how its appearance and operation is similar to the blue bird’s social network. In fact, it is possible that in this social network you will find many of the users who have fled from Twitter. Specifically, it is estimated that more than two million people have migrated from Twitter to Mastodon in recent weeks.



A slightly different alternative to Twitter is Discord. It is a platform to chat with friends, acquaintances, co-workers or meet people with the same passions and hobbies. In part it resembles the classic IRC that most veterans will remember. It works from servers, which can be public or private, and then chat channels are created for groups and private conversations.

In Discord text messages stand out. But you can also start a conversation through audio over the Internet, share a screen, etc. And as I was saying before, you can create a server for your friends or venture out on public servers and meet new people. Like the rest of the alternatives to Twitter, Discord is free, has an app for most platforms, and is very useful for keeping your group of friends in touch, communicating with friends miles away, and/or simply talking with people from all over the world.



Along with Mastodon, Koo is possibly one of the alternatives to Twitter that is most similar to the original. It is also a microblogging platform designed to post short comments, receive responses, follow other users, etc. The available elements are similar to the blue bird social network. And you can access Koo from the web and/or from its applications for iPhone and Android.

Currently Koo has millions of users around the world. There are also registered users who are celebrities or people relevant to politics, culture, etc. And it has a space where you can see posts from users you follow, topics of interest so you can see what’s being talked about, and a search engine where you can find people, topics, or whatever you want.



Another good alternative to Twitter is CounterSocial. It may not be as well known as the previous alternatives, but it points to ways. For starters, it is exclusive to iPhone and Android, web and virtual reality glasses. Secondly, its purpose is that there is no advertising, no fake news, no trolls and no offensive language. A space for conversation and dialogue where respect and education prevail.

Its appearance is reminiscent of Twitter in its heyday. And its desktop version will remind you of TweetDeck, an online client that allows you to follow several topics and content simultaneously, divided into columns. But it has its own characteristics such as the possibility of creating communities, secure file sharing, virtual reality functions, monitoring of social network statistics, respect for privacy, etc.



Finally, one of the most popular platforms in the world. Reddit is not a social network as such. It is actually a forum with topics and subtopics. Users can post messages, videos, photos, link to articles, comment on posts, rate them, etc. And, thanks to its versatility, it has become one of the spaces on the Internet with the most visitors.

It may not be one of the most similar alternatives to Twitter, but on Reddit you will find subtopics about anything you can imagine, you can meet people from all over the world, read comments from experts and anonymous users and, in short, learn about almost everything. what happens on the internet.

Another detail in favor of Reddit is that it is available for the Web, iPhone and Android, you can consult it without registering or create a user for free and, among many other things, it allows you to filter the content according to where you are.