What does 5G do for phones?

With a 5G phone, you can access the internet stronger, faster and with lower latency via the 5G network. This article will help you learn what 5G is, what it does on a mobile phone, and how it works.
5G is the new generation mobile network that will enable innovation and technological developments to reach us in a better way. Whether it is health, security, entertainment or mobility, all sectors will improve thanks to the power offered by 5G. In addition, this latest step in the evolution of telecommunications systems will allow the growth and expansion of new technologies such as Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Computing.
What is 5G?
The fifth generation mobile network is essentially an improved version of the previous generation 4G. Companies and individuals can benefit from its efficiency as it multiplies the capacity that infrastructures can offer by a thousandfold. Additionally, its speed reaches 10Gbs and offers zero latency.
Thanks to 5G, companies can safely offer a wide range of services and applications to more people and companies and reduce the costs this requires. This technology makes it possible to support an increasing number of devices connected simultaneously, especially in large urban centers.
We can now stay in touch with our colleagues or loved ones as connectivity eliminates physical and time boundaries. The 5G network also makes it possible to broadcast sporting events and live shows, new ways to visit museums and travel to other worlds and other times with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence functions, among many other possibilities.
What does 5G do?
We have already seen what 5g is and what it does, but we can also see how it works. 5G networks create a network that optimizes the levels of electromagnetic fields and guarantees minimum energy use by devices adapted to this technology to complete satisfactory communication, reaching 90% in energy savings.
While the 4G network transmits at a frequency between 800 and 1800 MHz, 5G uses frequencies of 700 MHz and 3.5 GHz and is also supported by LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks, a wireless connection technology that offers high speed and stability.
The 5G network has come to strengthen the capabilities of the previous generation 4G/LTE. Gradually and thanks to its powerful features, this innovative network, communication and all the services that support these infrastructures are being developed. To reach the full potential of this network, manufacturers of 5G equipment (or terminals) and new devices are making improvements to increase their efficiency and reach the network. The fact that we have moved from connecting with other people to connecting with everything around us, wherever and whenever, can summarize what 5G is and what it is for.