What is Bluestacks and how does it work?

In this guide we will tell you what Bluestacks is and what it is for. In addition, we show you step by step how to install it on your PC and what you should do to download your favorite Android applications on PC. With this software, you get something similar to what Microsoft is proposing with WSA, the Windows Subsystem for Android, namely running Android apps on Windows 11 and Windows 10.

Bluestacks, bringing Android closer to Windows

Bluestacks is emulation software that creates a supportive environment on Windows and other operating systems for Android applications to run. It works in a similar way to a virtual machine. Inside it runs a modified version of Android emulating the hardware components that are necessary through software.

Although Bluestacks allows you to run any application, it is an optimized platform for launching games developed for Android. In this way, you do not need to be in front of a mobile device if you want to enjoy some of the titles available in the Google Play Store. And yes, you read that right: Bluestacks is compatible with Google services. In view of this, any application you can imagine will work properly on this emulator.

Highlights of Bluestacks

Next, we review some of the most important features of Bluestacks:

  • Adapted game controls. Don’t worry about touch controls. The development team has worked hard to make all games compatible with your computer’s keyboard and mouse.
  • Multiple instance. This emulator allows you to run multiple games at the same time. This is very interesting, since installing Android in a virtual machine, the experience is similar to that of a mobile. That is, only one application can be active at the same time. But in Bluestacks this is not the case. Rather, you will be able to open more than one game at a time.
  • Macros. Things are getting interesting. Thanks to macros, you have an action recorder that helps you perform repetitive tasks and quick movements over and over again. Without going any further, they are very similar to the macros of Logitech devices.
  • Translation in real time. Is a game or app not available in your language? No problem. The emulator integrates a translator that helps you jump between languages instantly.
  • SPF. With this emulator you will have high definition graphics and a rate of up to 60 FPS.
  • Screen recording. It includes a tool to capture everything that happens during a game or the steps you follow in an application.
  • Screenshots in apps that prohibit it. With Bluestacks it is easy to take screenshots, some applications do not allow you to do so, such as Snapchat. The good news is that, although the emulator is not able to bypass that limitation, it is always possible to take a screenshot using the Windows 11 or Windows 10 snipping tool.

We don’t want you to make mistakes. This is not a Bluestacks sponsored article. All in all, we recognize that the features of this environment are very good if what you want is to open Android games (and applications) in Windows. Best of all, it’s completely free.

Bluestacks minimum requirements

Another strong point of Bluestacks is that it requires few system resources. Any relatively modern computer will be able to run the emulator. The official minimum requirements are these:

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 and higher
  • Processor: Intel or AMD processor
  • RAM: Your PC must have at least 4 GB of RAM. (Note: having 4 GB or more of disk space is not a substitute for RAM.)
  • Storage: 5 GB of free disk space
  • You must be an Administrator on your PC.
  • Up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor

How to download and install Bluestacks

To download Bluestacks you only have to go to its official page. Then, click on Download Bluestacks. When you have downloaded the executable, click on it to open it and start the installation. Next, click on Install Now.

The process may take a while because the installer you have downloaded does not actually contain all the necessary files. Rather, additional items are required to be downloaded during installation.

When the installation is complete, you will have two versions of Bluestacks installed on your computer. We particularly like to run the apps from Bluestacks, although it is possible to use Bluestacks X as an alternative launcher. In both cases, the apps run on the same emulator. The time has come to start enjoying Android apps and games on Windows.

How to download an app from Bluestacks

Bluestacks offers two options when it comes to downloading and installing apps. The first one is by going to the Google Play Store, where you can log in with your Google account and download the games you have previously purchased.

You can do it in the following way:

  1. Open Bluestacks.
  2. Click on the Google Play Store icon.
  3. Sign in with your Google account.
  4. Use the search engine to find an application.
  5. Click on Download.
  6. Wait for the installation to finish.

The other option available to you is to download an APK from a trusted repository and drag it into the Bluestacks window. Immediately, the installation of the application will begin, and when finished, you will be able to launch it.

In both cases, the icon of the installed app or game will appear in the emulator’s application launcher. From there you will have access to all the downloads you have made.

And you, are you already taking advantage of the potential of Bluestacks? Leave us your opinion about this software in your comments and participate in our community.