What is Intel i3, how good is the i3 processor?

Intel i3 is the most underrated processor in the entry-level range, but did you know that its features are suitable for different areas? Intel Core i3 processors are best suited for solving low-demand tasks, as well as offering ideal performance in processes that include office software, navigation and high-quality video playback.
Cost is one of the most important advantages of i3 processors. By purchasing the processor included in a computer, you can get it at a very affordable price compared to other series and benefit from ideal frequencies and stable basic performance for running different tasks.
One of the biggest advantages of this type of processor is that, in addition to offering a good frequency speed, it does not emit the same heat as one of the other processors, so it is ideal to accompany it with hardware that offers much more performance, it is always compatible. When you have a constant, reduced TDP, there is less heat in your components; Therefore, using your computer for a long time does not mean a malfunction that could be fatal to your PC due to overheating.
Although previously i3 processors ran base frequencies of up to 3.4GHz, you can now reach base clock speeds of up to 4.6GHz with the 13th generation; these frequencies will be great for running different types of programs and monitoring all your programs. In different generations of Intel Core i3, you can find Turbo Boost technology, which is one of the most suitable technologies for running your retro video games; If you want to have fun, compete and explore online video games, choose the latest generation in i3.
Note that the Intel Core i3 can run a wide range of basic online video games and also access video games on platforms such as Steam and Dolphin. It would be ideal to always have the best performance for watching TV series and movies; Therefore, the i3 processor offers ideal speeds for video quality playback up to FHD. While the HDMI output points of the latest series i3 processors support 4K, the DP output points support up to 8K.
Difference of i3 processors from other processors
The difference is in the cores and computing power each has. If you compare the same generation i3, i5, i7 and i9, the i7 or i9 will be able to complete any computing task much faster than an i3.
But if you compare an i3 from past generations with a current generation i3, the performance difference will be so noticeable that the current i3 will easily be better than the most powerful i7 from about 5 or 7 years ago, and that’s precisely because of the frequency that has been around since then. It is not. The frequencies are still nearly the same, but current CPUs have millions of transistors on a smaller atomic scale, giving them more computing capacity than previous generations of CPUs.
As a result, the i3 processor may be good or bad depending on what you do. Compared to other processors, although they may not be better than the i5 or i7 in their series, they may be better than the i5 or i7 released in previous years.